Twenty Seven (with Brooke Husic)

When Brooke dropped this grid's awesome bottom stack in my inbox, it came right when I needed it. I had just posted Nineteen, Eighteen, and Seventeen in less than 24 hours and I was. feeling. it. I don't know if Brooke knows this, but her cuddly gift is what kept me going throughout the twenties and into today, and so we present this teddy bear with a 2-Down as a very apt #27. 

Everything you've heard about working with Brooke is true - she's considerate of every single thing that goes into the puzzle, and of the humans involved - both on the constructing and solving side. I learned a ton, and it was such a pleasure. 

From Brooke: "Extremely honored to be a part of Norah's massively impressive month of puzzles, and especially for such a meaningful number! I absolutely love Norah's top stack and her clues for 23A, 6D, and 11D. I'm super grateful to Norah for being willing to dissect every clue in a google doc with me even 27 puzzles in! And in general I super appreciate the positive energy she consistently brings to the puzzle universe! Hope you enjoy the solve ❤️"

Oh, and Twenty Six found a home at Crossweird Puzzles! Please go check it out too. 

If you solve it, blog it, stream it, like it, love it, or find a typo, let me know! twitter | email | or comment below. Thanks! 

Fullscreen solve | .puz 


  1. I had a funny wrong answer for 13-Across ... was thinking too cryptically.


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