Paciencia y Fe

Today's puzzle is a tribute to a movie-musical, "where the streets are made of music and little dreams become big." Available on HBOmax through July 11. 

This puzzle is easier if you are familiar with the movie/musical, and/or if you have any Spanish. It's harder, but still solveable if not. If you haven't seen the movie/musical, the extended teaser above will help quite a bit. 

In the spirit of "Find the people who will make your work better," this puzzle is not possible without the work of the following friends:

Thanks to Parker for pulling the lyrics into a useable word list, and Dob and Benjamin for the test solves.

Friends Kate, Will, Kimbie, Daedalus, and Maia all contributed clues. Please see full attributions below the puzzle.

Coincidentally, this puzzle has 96 entries. ;) 

If you solve it, blog it, stream it, like it, love it, or find a typo, let me know! twitter | email | or comment below

[PDF] [.puz]

Full credits:

Kate Schmate Leiserson of Crosswords Schmosswords: 44-Across, 75-Across, 79-Across, 11-Down, 25-Down

Will Eisenberg of Half-Baked Puzzles: 16-Across, 66-Across, 12-Down, 40-Down, 43-Down

Kimbie600: 22-Across, 32-Across, 45-Across, 51-Across, 61-Across, 33-Down

Daedalus: 23-Across, 56-Across, 76-Across, 41-Down

Maia: 4-Across, 21-Across, 31-Across, 37-Across, 8-Down, 14-Down, 15-Down, 36-Down


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